Thursday, January 17, 2013

\\Make a Fake Girlfriend on Facebook for Just $39.99//

Valentine's Day is approaching and it's just not the time of year that you want to be alone.
And, sure, you could bring back that made-up gal-pal you bragged about around space camp back in the day, but technology has really screwed with your ability to fib. A quick Google search can reveal the truth.
So let technology fix the problem that it created; sign up for For $39.99, all (or at least a few) of your dating woes will be solved. The Brazil-based site can generate a fake Facebook profile for your "girlfriend," complete with comments and relationship statuses from the past 30 days.
It's almost foolproof. (Until, perhaps, someone asks to see a picture of the two of you tagged together on Facebook — then you'll have to Photoshop your way out of that mess.)


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